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Why you need a strong password policy

by | Sep 16, 2020

1 minute read
Boost Your Brand - WordPress Password Security

Do you know why you need a strong password policy?  Your WordPress security is only as good as your WordPress password security. If you and your users have a simple password, you have a simple site to hack.

That’s why weak passwords are one of the biggest threats that put the security of a WordPress site at risk.

It’s impossible to ignore security when it comes to managing WordPress sites and blogs. In fact many business site administrators choose a secure WordPress web host for their sites. On top of that, they install a WordPress firewall and other security plugins.

All this is great, don’t get me wrong, but no software or online service solution can protect your WordPress website from your users’ weak passwords! Statistics show that 35% of users use weak passwords, such as password123 and qwerty123, and the majority of the rest, use passwords that can be cracked.

Having said that, we can all agree that it’s crucial to educate your WordPress site users on strong password policies.

WordPress websites need continuous monitoring, maintenance, and fine-tuning so that they can give optimum performance and stay safeguarded from hackers. But in case you face the worst situation, someone should be there to restore the site from a clean up-to-date backup.

Boost your WordPress password security today by signing up for my WordPress Maintenance plan.

If your website has a password that you can remember, it is probably easy to guess by hackers.

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