Mini Boosts

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How important is web design to your business success?

by | Feb 3, 2020

1 minute read
Boost Category Web Design

Three eye-opening statistics about website first impressions

It is 2019 and believe it or not, there are still less than desirable websites out there. You don’t seem surprised. That is because you have probably gotten frustrated by more than a few. But, have you stopped to think that your own business website may be the source of frustration for your customers?

The average consumer will spends just 5 seconds on your homepage. Then they decide to stay or leave. What they decide is largely affected by three factors: design, function, and speed. Take a look at three important statistics. Did you know that…


94%of negative website feedback was design related. And 94% of first impressions are design related too.  source
75%of consumers admit to judging a company’s credibility based solely on the company’s website design. source
46%of consumers determine the credibility of a website based on its visual appeal and aesthetics. source

What can you do?

Contact me to evaluate your brand with my Pre-Boost. I will give you a blunt truth assessment of your visual appeal, ease of use. I will create a plan for you that will get your brand noticed, respected and shared.

Ask a friend, associate, or even a valued client to evaluate your website for ease, speed, visual appeal, and content value. And then ask them to give you their honest feedback.

Here are some professional resources to boost your small business success

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